Connect New Devices - Start Here

iPad Students can bring personal devices to School such as Chromebooks, laptops and tablets to help with their learning. See our guidelines and recommended specifications for more information. These devices can be connected to the School wifi to get filtered internet access.

To use your device on the school network you will need to:

1. Connect to the School's wifi using your School network username and password (everyone).

2. Install the N4L security certificate on your device (students only).

The instructions are different depending on what type of device you have.
1. Connect to WiFi - Apple iPhone or iPad, Apple Mac, Android, Chromebook or Windows.
2. Certificate Install - Apple iPhone or iPad, Apple Mac, Android 9&10, Android 11, Chromebook or Windows.

Phone - Devices running VPN software are not supported.
- Devices running parental control apps such as Family Zone may encounter problems but there are workarounds.
- The N4L certificate is to allow internet traffic inspection at the school's firewall which in turn enables content filtering. Access to secure websites, which includes most common websites, is not possible without it.